note to SELf.
(that means if you’re not the best junior intern in this place, quit reading, player2or3!)
first of all, i aspire to be Ee Cummings. if you
don’t know who that is, not my problem, but you should seriously check out his wikipedia page, tho, Tbh. also, you shouldn’t be reading this… i’ve already stated, this is a note to self, so stop
reading now.
ok… let’s see. some observations
about this. here is something that might help this player in solving another
puzzle with the others in the next round. what on earth could that possibly
mean??? going to school in this town, i've seen a ton
of really weird stuff and i mean super-duper, wtf is
that kind of oddities, but that person / thing is wild.
yesterday, the professor came
into the lab late, again. at first, i thought it was
pretty strange and a little unfair, that not everybody has be
here on time, but then someone explained to me that when you’re busy doing such
incredible, world-changing work—still haven’t figured out what that new project
is, but i have some suspicions—you get to sleep in
whenever you want! yet another reason to tell dad and mom why being a science
major is such a great idea.
i can’t help but wonder, what ALL will i be learning here—surely, things i’ll
never forget!